# 显示加载动画 loader: start:true# 当初次打开页面时,显示加载动画 switch:true# tab 切换到其他页面时,显示加载动画 # 鼠标烟花特效 fireworks: enable:true# 是否启用 color:# 烟花颜色 -"rgba(255,182,185,.9)" -"rgba(250,227,217,.9)" -"rgba(187,222,214,.9)" -"rgba(138,198,209,.9)" # 加载Google Noto Serif字体 font: enable:true # Font options: # `external: true` will load this font family from `host` above. # `family: Times New Roman`. Without any quotes. # `size: x.x`. Use `em` as unit. Default: 1 (16px)
# Global font settings used for all elements inside <body>. global: external:true family:Mulish size:
# Font settings for alternate title. logo: external:true family:FrederickatheGreat size:3.5
# Font settings for site title. title: external:true family:NotoSerifJP size:2.5
# Font settings for headlines (<h1> to <h6>). headings: external:true family:NotoSerifSC size:
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# Error Info Prism's Diff Highlight plugin requires the Diff language definition (prism-diff.js).Make sure the language definition is loaded or use Prism's Autoloader plugin. FATAL { err: Error: Function yaml.load is removed in js-yaml 4. Use yaml.undefined instead, which is now safe by default. ...}
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Enter file inwhich to save the key (/User/usrname/.ssh/id_ed25519): # 设置SSH目录及文件名 Created directory '/User/usrname/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): # 设置密码, 一般不需要输入, 直接回车即可 Enter same passphrase again: # 确认密码 Your identification has been saved in /User/usrname/.ssh/id_ed25519.# 生成成功提示 Your public key has been saved in /User/usrname/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub.# 生成成功提示
查看生成的SSH key并记录以下信息
1 2 3 4
# 查看SSH key vim ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
# 将内容复制, 打开GitHub>Settings>SSH and GPG keys>New SSH key添加即可