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Mty Icons

Mty Icons are imported from Material Design Icons. Usually, you don't need to import them manually or use them directly. They are used as embedded icons in other components. For example, the Common Button uses the Mty Icons as embedded icons. Although it is no need to use them directly, it is still recommended to know how to set attributes of the Mty Icons.


iconString'home'The name of the icon.
sizeNumber24The size of the icon. px
typeString'outlined'The style type of the icon.


The name of the icon. The default value is 'home'. You can find the name of the icon in the Material Design Icons website.


The size of the icon. The default value is 24. The unit is px.


The style type of the icon. The default value is 'outlined'. Other available values are 'filled' , 'two-tone' , 'sharp' , 'round'. You can find the difference between them in the Material Design Icons website.


The following example shows how to use the Mty Icons. It is a filled home icon with a size of 48px.

<mty-icon icon="home" size="48" type="filled" />